Top 10 Personal Development Concepts – Part 2

5. Truer than True

Who are you? 

Underneath the facade of accolades and achievements, roles and responsibilities, it is important for us to know who we are, at our core.  We need a solid foundation and a healthy ego of knowing our best self, or our true self at a soulful level.  Once we have this firm foundation, it serves us like a home plate, when life curves balls come our way. 

In One Coaching Session:   you will draw a Caricature of you surrounded by words that identify who you are.  This first session will begin to set the foundation of your true, authentic best self. 

6.  The Monster Within

All of us have a shadow side, that little voice in our head that keeps us small and “safe.” However, as an adult, we no longer need to be protected.   What we need is to have the courage to stand tall in our own strengths.   We need to be confident to share our voice and vote on matters of concern.  We have the ability to manage the monster within, and  not let it take over our minds with worry.  We can live confidently, out of our true self! 

In one coaching session:   you will learn about your unique shadow side, along with the skills and abilities it uses to keep you feeling unworthy.  Most importantly, you will learn how to manage your negative self talk so that you can live out of your true self.

7.  What Values guide you?

What compass do you follow?  What is your north star?

Each of us operates out of our own unique and original set of values. Usually we have a set of about 5-6 core values that we live life out of.  These values, serve like our North star and guide us in decision making.  We feel out of sorts, when we veer of the path and adopt values that are not our own, or when our values are challenged or threatened.  Our core values are innate, and when understood help us to live a life of integrity. They act as our moral compass and guide us into what is best for us.   It is easy to identify our values, and keep them in the forefront of all life’s decisions and actions.

In One Coaching Session:  you will discover the top 10 values that resonate with you and serve as your guiding force.  Together we will draft a values chain, and prepare a document for you to see and identify with.  

8.  Life Purpose Statement 

It is possible to have clarity of purpose, and a concise personal statement that not only defines who you are, but what you’re about!  

If you would like to know this about yourself, we can unearth this statement in one coaching session! 

In One Coaching Session:  with the use of metaphor and word crafting we will draft a unique powerful statement that will represent you and your over arching Life’s work.

9.  Lead with your Strengths

In my early career days of volunteer management, I operated out of this philosophy.  It is important to find the carrot that motivates each of us.  Often, that carrot lies in what we do well, or what we are good at.  Our strengths help us establish a healthy ego where gain the confidence that we need to know we can contribute and make a difference.  Once we know our own bend, our natural ‘talents,’ or our strengths, then we can feel free to work out of them.   We are in the “flow” when we work out of our natural giftedness.

In One Coaching Session:  with the use of Strengthfinder 2.0, we will identify your top 5 strengths, and begin understand how you can use them to guide your direction in life, and work from a place of confidence.  

10.  Your “Type”

Over a decade ago I became familiar with a personality profile typing called the Enneagram.  Once I tasted from it, I have not been able to put it down.

I compare the Enneagram to to a three -way mirror.  Once you look in, you see yourself from different perspectives. The Enneagram is an amazing resource , when understood, helps us each know and grow ourselves.  Once we under stand our type, with our areas for growth, and our natural stresses, we are able to use this objective measurement to   spurs us on for continued growth and maturity.  

In One Coaching Session:  with the use of the RHETI, we will identify your Enneagram type and begin discover more about who you are.   What causes you stress? What are your motivators, needs, areas of growth?

Last, These above points, are a few of the guiding principals, that when followed or sought, will help you dislodge and get back on the right path.  This is a process like peeling back of an onion.  We are complicated beings, and creatures of habit. It takes time to do the work.  I’d encourage you to take this opportunity, to know yourself and grow yourself, beginning with the My Quest Program.  Again I invite you back to read this blog weekly, as I continue to develop each of these concepts over the next 5 weeks. Plus, I will be unveiling a Special “My Quest” Coaching Programfor the novice client who is willing to commit to 6 consecutive sessions around the above topics 5 – 10.  

Stay tuned, as we unveil the special next week!