Seven Qualities of the True Self

In his play Hamlet, William Shakespeare pens these famous words of advice through the character Polonius who says; “above all: To thine own self be true!”

It seems in the Elizabethan era that phrase was commonly understood as good advice from a father to his son.  However, it still holds true today, and can be better understood in these: 

7 Qualities of the True Self

1. Spontaneity

Are you able express yourself without feeling hindered?

The opposite of this would be to edit your words, and hide your true feelings out of fear of what someone else may think, or how they might react.  

To be true to ourselves is to have the freedom to speak “our truth” and let it land where it may.  You are not responsible for someone else’s reactions!

2. Reasoning

As people we are Creative, Resourceful and Whole!  The more we discover about the world and ourselves, the easier it is to find solutions to our problems.

This simple G R O W acrostic is a great tool to help us navigate a path and find solutions to our problems.  

3. Creativity

How do you express your uniqueness of thought?

You may not be a Picasso, or a Michael Angelo, but there is a wellspring of the creative within you.  How do you allow for the creative to flow through you, energize you, and express your uniqueness?

4. Free Will

The most amazing component in life and love…the freedom of choice!  Are you free to share your voice and your vote on issues that concern you?  In our democratic society, no one can make you do anything.  It’s easier to blame others, than take the responsibility for yourself, and make the changes you need in your like.  For example: Like it or leave it, or no decision is a decision!

5. Spirituality

How do you respond to “life is a mystery”?  There are just some things in life that just can’t be controlled or figured out.  Are you ok with letting go, surrendering and trusting?

6. Discernment

Are you able to distinguish good from evil?  At times, it may be difficult to make a decision. However, in those times it’s important to surround yourself with good people.  Are you able to differentiate between, good, foolish, or evil people? ? 

7. Love

We all need to love and be loved! 

It is not selfish to want to be loved; it is a basic human need.  

As an adult, the focus is on reciprocal relationships. That is a win-win for both parties. What does that look like to you?

If you’d like coaching on embracing your true self, or coach around any of these concepts contact me, your first session is free!

Limited offer!

Book and pay for “My Quest”  (which includes all six sessions) before the end of June and pay only $900.00 

That’s a savings of: $300.00